Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Gave Him My Sin's

What did Jesus give?

He gave His robes to the Jailers, before they paraded Him naked through the streets

He gave His dignity to humbleness, as they laid Him naked over the whipping post

He gave His back to the whip, to purchase our healing, for by His Stripes we are healed

He gave His Royal Diadem for a Crown of Thorns, and no King has ever had a more beautiful crown

He gave His palms to the jagged Nails, so the prophecy would be fulfilled, See I have Engraved you on the palms of My hands

He gave His Beautiful feet to a cruel spike, while the Harlot’s tears and Mary’s fragrance, were still evident… they have Pierced My hands and My feet

He gave His side to the hilt of a spear, so that Thomas and I would have a place to put our hands,… Thomas & Greg, cast forth thy hands and put them into My side

He gave His Body to redeem mine, because without Him I had no Hope, for All have Sinned and Fallen short of the Glory of God

He gave His Blood to wash away my sin's, so I to could stand in the presence of the Father, for without the Shedding of Blood, there is no Forgiveness of Sin!

He gave His goodness in substitute for my wickedness, because as for goodness I had none… this is God’s Love towards us, that while we were yet Sinners, Christ Died for us!

Then He gave me His Spirit, so as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I needn't fear, for His right hand shall guide me, hold me fast, and lead me home. Too our real Home!

All I have to give Him,… IS MY SIN'S, … AND MY LOVE!

Thank you Lord

P.S. To those of you who don't know Him, God is NOT your enemy! He is your biggest fan, standing at the finish line with His arms open wide cheering you on and calling you home!

To Your True Freedom!
Gregory James LaRev

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Funny Stuff... Kid Videoz

I was just out with the Kid's and shot some video of their Radical Talents Feel free to pass this around, the kidz would love to see a bunch of hits on them!

Crazy Eye Girl Goes CRAZY
Watch this tragic clip of one of the Normally Sweet and Kind Crazyeye Chiclets, going crazy and Assaulting her Wonderful, Kind, Loving and extremely Good Looking Father for no apparent reason, Charges Pending


Crazy Eye Girlz;