Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chosen in Eternity


Dear You,

You have this little book in your hands right now because someone cares for you and wants to make sure you know the truth, not some twisted perversion of the truth that has been passed down from generation to generation and from the deceiver to the deceived, but the clear and simple truth of a Father that loves His children and is doing everything He can to rescue them from a wicked murderous liar.

I know in the past you may have talked to someone about God or heard about someone’s faith, or you may have been approached by someone telling you, “You’re going to hell” if you don’t go to their church! Just because some supposed preacher has told you something about God doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. Regardless of your past experience, if you would please allow me just a few minutes of your life, I think I can help shed some light on the subject.

“In the last days there will be many false teachers!”
(this is a promise made in the scriptures by Jesus Him self)

This is not just talking about some little difference of opinion this is eluding to major deception and deadly eternal damnation kind of stuff.

Please believe me, you may not think it important now but during the last few moments of your life here on earth you will wonder why you didn’t spend your entire life perusing this information! At that moment you will realize it was the most important thing in all of life, and if you would have pursued it you would have found it to be the most wonderful and exciting aspect of this life, the problem is you won’t be able to change much at that point. So please don’t let this be your greatest regret in all eternity! So again if you would please allow me a few minutes of your time to share with you something that is direly important for you to know and understand, and when it is all said and done you just may find it to be the very thing you have unknowingly been looking for all your life.

Now I know many of you may say you don’t believe in God or you already believe in your own religion, or you heard it all before… well please, just humor me for a few minutes, you may be shocked to find that you have never heard this side of the story. Why… because 99% of the “churches” out there just don’t teach you this, they would rather just keep beating you down into submission with all kinds of manmade laws and nonsense!

I was in church for 20 years and never heard this! So now, at least you will have a better understanding and a different perspective of what is truly possible for you to experience in this, the most important subject in the universe.

So let’s just say for now, hypothetically… just hypothetically that what I am about to tell you is all true?

The first thing we need to do is strip away all of the non-biblical garbage teaching out there and realize that a large portion of what you have heard is just manmade religion, and that may have fallen short of clearly explaining the simple joy and wonder of the relationship we can have with God. Yes I mean the Real God and a real relationship where He speaks to you and you talk to Him, He will reveal things to you and show you wonderful glimpses of glory and eternity! But again I stress to you the word simple, this is not about a set of rules or laws, or incantations and rituals! This News is about a simple one on one relationship with God! It’s about freedom!

If the “your all going to Hell” screamers out there would read the Red Letters in their Bible, they would see the words of Jesus to the masses of people were words of Hope, comfort and Freedom, the only people that He spoke of Condemnation to were conmen and the self righteous Religious leaders who were hateful wolves and power hungry hypocrites!

The word Gospel means, Good News, and contrary to what a lot of misled preachers out there are saying, the good news was NOT that you’re all
going to Hell if you don’t do what I say, (that don’t sound like good news to me) the good news was that God is trying to rescue us from the most powerful demonic creature in the universe, and if we would place our trust in Him we would become free from Satan and the law of sin and death.

It’s a shame that so many of the leaders in the church are beating up their flock every week with the very thing that Jesus taught against! He came to free us from the curse and punishment of the law and to show us we can never make it on our own, but that we can trust in Him to bring us safely home. There are so many false prophet and blind teachers out there, it’s no wonder so many people are confused and discouraged and want nothing to do with Religion! Well that’s a good place to start, because I don’t want anything to do with Religion either!

So the first thing you must understand about God is that He really loves you! He is not some wrathful monster looking for a reason to destroy you, or to trick you out of making it to Heaven! He Loves You perfectly and completely, in spite of all of our failures. He wants us to come to Him so He can save and protect us and so we can know Him personally and intimately. Most people have never heard, much less understood the simple beautiful message of Jesus, I have come to set the captives FREE.

Now don’t get me wrong, there is a Monster out their killing thousands everyday with disease and tornados and floods and hurricanes, starvation and murder, Drugs and Alcohol! He is always searching around for someone to destroy, but it is not God Killing people… We are in a fallen world,… the scripture says Satan is the god or ruler of this world. We are in enemy territory and must be on guard so we are not deceived! Satan is very real and very involved in this deception and he is a master at using the teachings of charlatans and fools out there twisting the Word of God to destroy as many as he can.

So if you would please do me the honor of reading this whole letter, then I will know, that you “know” the clear simple truth of Gods plan for us. And hopefully you will glimpse the depth of God’s love for YOU.

Won’t You Please Come In!?

Before time began, God, the creator of the universe choose you for eternity. You were created to become a magnificent heavenly being, your true self is spirit wrapped in an earthly body. You were originally designed to live forever as an unblemished creature, perfect and powerful in design. In fact you were fashioned to walk with God and the host of heaven for all eternity! Please believe me there is an eternity ahead of us and we get to choose where we spend it.

Even though you are now trapped in this earthly body wrought with pain and sickness, this putrid prison of decaying flesh, this is not the home that you were created for! That true home is with God, and He is coming back to rescue you!

This God, you can know intimately! That was His plan from the beginning, He created you in His image and likeness, He knew you before you were born and He see’s you as you will be, in your perfect glorious state. This amazing God desired to share all the glories of his Kingdom with His beloved children! You are desperately loved, and He wants to share His Kingdom with all of us that will turn back to Him.

As we talk, I know my description of our relationship with God and His heart towards us will fall drastically short of what He really feels for us. And even though I have comprehended a small glimpse of this amazing good news, I know there are no words to truly express His Love towards us. So to the best of my ability I will try to give you a small glimpse of the Love of God, or to describe the indescribable.

As I mentioned, God, the tri-union Creator, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (we can talk about this later) desired to share all the glories of His Kingdom with His children, with you! I imagine His feelings were not unlike what we have all experienced at one time or another, maybe you’ve looked out over a tranquil rolling ocean and watched an incredibly beautiful sunset, or gazed up into an amazing star filled sky on a crystal clear night amazed at the awesomeness of it, but you were all alone, the ones you love were not there to share it with you, you desire them to be blessed by it’s magnificence, but short of them being there, nothing could ever convey the total emotion and power of the experience, you simply want them to be there with you, but they are not… This is similar, to a much smaller degree, of what God desires to share with you.

But let’s take this one step closer to the real situation; let’s say that the ones you loved had been kidnapped and taken captive and were enduring brutal rape and torture and in addition were being brainwashed into believing that you hated them and caused this to happen to them. And to make it worse, every time you sent someone to rescue them they refused to believe them and rejected their offer of rescue and salvation. This is God’s real dilemma with us, but we reject all His efforts to save us! How heart wrenching it would be for you to experience your own children being kidnapped and then even worse them being turned against you!

You see God desperately desires to rescue you and for you to enjoy all the glories of His universe with Him. He desires companionship with His children!

Someone might say what about the angles, God has millions of angles to fellowship with, but you see the angles are different from man. God desired someone like himself, Body, Soul and Spirit, you see the angles are different from us, they were not created in the image of God like you were, also they were not created with the purpose to procreate, and this, I believe is a major factor in our differences. God created us to be similar to Him with emotions, and passions and the desire to create and procreate.

The bottom line is simply, God desired to have Children and then to share all the wonders of the universe with us. His intent was ultimately to have someone to share His Love with, in fact I believe the whole purpose He created us was, to share His Unlimited Love with Us!

The scripture says God Is LOVE, it’s not just that He has love, but it is His core being, and love can only be complete when it is acted upon or given to someone. To have true love is not just to have some gushy feeling, or some overwhelming titillation for someone, it’s not about yourself, it’s that overwhelming desire to do something for or with someone else. Love, is an action directed towards that incredible someone that your heart has melted for, the ones that fill your heart and dreams with joy, be it your mate or your child or family. Real love is all the same thing, you just want to be with them! When you love someone, even doing nothing with them is a thousand times better than having the wealth of the world without them!

You see God’s greatest joy is to Love us, and then the ultimate consummation is when we freely choose to love Him back, then His joy is realized! The scripture says that all of the Angles in Heaven rejoice when just one of God’s children turn back to Him!

His hope for us is to share all the glories of heaven with us. Just as so many of us have desired to have a child, and when the child arrives we can never describe the total consuming overflowing love we have for that beautiful creation, we desire to share all the riches of the world with this precious little gift from God, we want to hold them and protect them! We would lay down our life for this child even before it was born.

Guess what, you are that long awaited, passionately loved little child, that funny pudgy face little boy or that delicate little flower of a girl! This is how God see’s us, believe it or not you’re his little one. You are the Fathers priceless joy, You Are The One He longs to see and hold for all eternity. How can I convince you of His love and of His sacrifice for you even before you were conceived! He knew you, and was making wonderful plans for you and Him together in eternity!

Even after you grew older and made horrible choices that hurt other’s, even when you were in complete rebellion living a totally self-centered life, even through all those years when you didn’t want to think about Him, when your thoughts were full of lust and lies, selfishness and hatred, He was still calling out to you. The Father without a second thought gave the most precious treasure in the entire universe to pay your ransom, to buy you back from the prince of darkness. You see, in your rebellion Satan was the legal title holder to your soul, you don’t have to sell it to him, he already owns it. Even though you may think you’re a good person, you were still in rebellion against God, and in turn, in allegiance with the deceiver!

But take courage the Father has not given up on you! In all of eternity past, through hundreds of billions of years as one, God had never before been separated from His Son! For in all of eternity God had never found something so valuable so precious that He could even consider, much less justify being separated from His beloved Son, until now!

For all of eternity past they had walked as one, and now, not only would they experience separation but the Father would have to offer His Son up to Satan as a sacrifice, and a ransom to Win YOU Back.

The Holy Lamb of God, Jesus, would have to leave heaven and enter this world as an ordinary human, a helpless baby, God in a diaper… I know that is hard to imagine, but this had to be done to satisfy the legal requirement established at the beginning of this world! (The punishment for sin is Death! Human sin = Human death) The truth is, sense all of us have sinned, all of us were sentenced to Death!

God the Son, the Glorious Prince of the Universe would now leave Heaven and enter this world as a normal human just like you and me. He would now experience hunger and pain, loneliness and confusion, He would experience the bitter cold sleeping outside in freezing temperatures, many nights soaking wet from rain and snow, He would be subject to overwhelming exestuation, pouring Himself out to the hoards of needy desperate people day after day! He would spend hours and hours out under the blazing sun sweating and stinking and preaching in sweltering heat, healing and feeding and teaching and encouraging thousands of people every day, battling with demon after demon that held His people in bondage to drugs and alcohol and all kinds of perversions! And yes He would sweat and stink and have to go to the bathroom just like the rest of the human race. The God of the universe came to earth shedding His glory and majesty to become a man like you so He would qualify to stand in your place at the final judgment.

God the Creator came for YOU!

(Right about now you may be thinking, He wouldn’t come for me, I have been to rotten, I’ve done too many horrible things… Don’t let Satan trick you with that lie!, he has lead millions into hell with that little lie, he hates God and can only get back at Him by killing His children)

Hear me, That’s A Lie, Your Sin Is Not Greater Than God’s Love For You, And Your Sin Is Certainly Not Greater Than God’ Sacrifice For YOU!

Jesus the Lord of glory would taste betrayal and fear, He would be mocked and spit upon, they would rip His beard out of His face, they would put a bag over His head and take turns beating Him, they would tie Him to a post and then tear His back apart with a brutal Roman whip called a cat-o-nine tails used for torture!

It is written that He was beaten so severally that the people couldn’t recognize that it was a man.

And then they would take our Hope, “Your Hope” the final sacrifice, the Father’s unimaginable offering to Satan, and they would parade Him through the streets Bloody and exposed, the God of all Creation brutalized and naked covered in blood, sweat, spit and humiliation. As all the demons of hell rejoiced and squealed with joy as the crowds joined them in their uncontrolled blood lust. He was all the time Steadfast about why He would do this, always thinking about the prize! Why… LOVE, so we could know without any doubt that He Loves Us, and would do whatever it took to redeem us!

He Loves Us! YES… Oh How He Loves US!

Then they would lay Him down on that wicked rugged cross, Him already so broken and battered, His back already torn apart, nerve endings and muscles tissue exposed, they would take the cruel spikes and drive them through His wonderful hands, the same hands that had just hours before washed the feet of His friends, and before that these hands had broke the bread and gave it to them, before that they made mud for the eyes of the blind man and before that touched and cleansed a leper and before that they held the children as He bid them to come, oh those wonderful hands…

Then the single spike for His beautiful feet, the same feet that had walked the golden streets of Heaven in eternity past, the same feet that walked upon the water that stormy night, the same feet that the Harlot had washed with her tears and dried with her hair just a few days before, the same feet that Mary had anointed with that wonderful perfume, (I wonder could the soldiers still smell the fragrance?) Oh His beautiful feet, “beautiful are the feet of the one who brings good news” and he did bring us good news. His feet, the same feet that had walked from village to village day after day calling us to Himself, calling us home, and the same feet that had just walked up Calvary’s hill, to the place of the Skull, now in just a few hours these same feet would stand in the pit of Hell!

Then the final miracle, the miracle of all miracles, (if Satan had known this, he would have never killed our King), the Father would collect every sin from every man woman and child throughout all of the history of the earth, every one of our sins every lie, every betrayal, every rape, every child molestation, every murder, every act of adultery and homosexuality every stinking lustful desire and wicked murderous thought, and He, the Father, would now have to pour this massive putrid concentration of demonic perversity onto His own innocent, gentle, sinless Son. This single act a thousand times worse than the torturous work of the soldiers! Jesus the only Holy One, the only human in all history to never commit a single sin, would become Sin it’s self for us!

And then the Father would unleash His wrath on His own Child, the wrath that was stored up for your sins and mine, the wrath stored up for the Billions of people throughout the history of the whole world would be poured out like a tidal wave, now focused on that one Human body, the Lamb of God, the Man who is God would now take the punishment for all of mankind’s wickedness, all of us worthy of eternal damnation!

It was only after that, that He would cried out… It Is Finished! And finally, He and all the wicked act’s of man were dragged down into hell where He would deposit the sins of the entire world for all eternity, never to be judged again!

Then, and only then, the price of our ransom was paid and we could now be set free, the Debt paid in full!

So do we ever dare ask,… does God really love me? YES GOD LOVES YOU!

He is not your enemy, He is your biggest fan cheering you on and calling you home. He goes around heaven elbowing all the Angles, saying look at my little lamb, ain’t he great! You never need to fear or dread this Father, “but ye received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father” that is to say Daddy Daddy, He, the Father, is our Father and has proven His unmatched Love for us! Our God loves us!, absolutely and perfectly! He has compassion for us and knows that we are just little babies searching for the way to go. That’s why His own Son, Jesus, had to sneak into our world, win us back from Satan and then show us the way home.

The enemy had already deceived millions of people and misled them into hundreds of false religions, all with a different set of laws and rules to confuse us, rules we can never keep anyhow. And that’s the whole point, Jesus knew we could never keep the rules, not even one, just one failure and we would be doomed, (remember there was only one rule in the garden yet…) that’s why He came and did it for us!

Don’t let yourself become a trophy of Satan, falling for his lies of self righteousness and petty works to help earn your salvation! How could we ever add to what He did for us! It’s a disgusting insult to even try! His Blood that was poured out for us was Holy and pristine, pure and perfect, yet you think you can add something to this perfect sacrifice you think that you could pour some of your putrid disease ridden blood into the offering, into the blood of the King of the universe and improve on what God had to do to His precious Lamb? And what, make it holier? What kind of petty works can you add to complete perfection?! We could only defile the sacrifice. Jesus came to set the captives free, to give sight to the blind, to heal the sick, cast out the demons, to proclaim the true way to the Father and raise the dead to LIFE! Are You Alive?

No flaming hoops to jump through, No law to keep, No 2yr mission trips, No praying in public 5 times a day, No snake charming, No secret rituals, No holy absurd underwear, No pilgrimages, No divesting one’s self of self desires, (good luck with that one)!And Yes you can play music in church and you can wear pants and you dont have to go to church on Saturday or Sunday for all that matter! You see in Christ, all can qualify, and All are welcome!

YES! You must be Born Again to enter heaven, but this is not some kind of trick to keep you out of heaven, this is what happens when you finally come to the point of true surrender, this is the first miracle of your walk with God! And you will know for sure when this happens to you, it’s not something you do it’s something that happens to you when you come to that point of total release.

We live Godley because we love Him, not to appease Him! After all He has done for me, I want to show Him I Love Him, and want to make Him proud of me! You see He is not so far away from you as a lifetime of prideful works, He is right NOW standing at the door waiting for you to invite Him in!

We only need to humble ourselves and say, yes Jesus I need a savior, I need You! I surrender my life to you, Forgive me for all my sins, and Thank You!...

It’s that simple.

Still Not Sure… Final Thoughts;

You see, where you spend eternity is your choice, God created you to be like Him, and to spend forever with Him in paradise, but He gave you Freewill to choose to love Him or reject Him. This was the terrifying cost of the opportunity for true love! And this was the only way to achieve true love. If there was no option for you to reject God plan for you then there would be no true freedom to choose to love God. You see your freewill comes at a great price; it’s a great gift but also a great danger and curse! Why is it a curse? And why is it so dangerous? Because millions and millions, if not billions have already and will still choose the darkness rather than the light, and if God intervened in their choice to commit wicked and evil act’s against other humans, than there would never really be a free choice!

Freewill is the only way to achieve true love, but the cost was that the Father would have to allow you and the millions of His other children who choose to love Him, to be brutalized, betrayed, cheated, tortured, raped, mutilated and murdered by the ones who have exercised their freewill to reject Him. Instead they listen to the voice of Satan. And it only takes a short look around the world to see his handy work drawing men into all forms of horrendous wickedness.

Whole nations think it’s ok to murder Christians and Jew’s or any other religion they don’t like, they think it’s ok to blowup innocent children on school busses, they think it’s ok to mutilate young girls and they teach that women are property, they think it’s ok to sell their young daughters into prostitution, precious little baby girls of two and three years old sold to perverted monsters to be raped and brutalized for the rest of their short lives! In other countries they murder infant girls because they want a male child to pass on the family name. And others ignore the needs of the starving children all around them saying it’s their karma, and just walk past foolishly thinking they are superior because of some supposed holy life they had lived in another incarnation that they have imagined.

And we could go on and on with this, but Do you now see now… The Price of Freewill!

How much more do you need, what more can I say…

The stage is set, the battle lines are clearly marked, the universal tribunal has witnessed the wicked results of a life surrendered to the darkness and the lust’s of our flesh. And now we must make a choice, because not too choose is not an option. God will not force anyone to enter into heaven and He will not send anyone to hell! (oh my gosh!!??... What did he say?) “God will not send anyone to hell”, they will go there of their own freewill by rejecting Gods open invitation to come to Him! “come to me all you who are burdened and heavy laden and I will give you rest, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light” “behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone, “ANYONE” will open the door I will come in” “do not let your heart be troubled, believe in God, and believe also in Me, for in My Fathers house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you” .

You see we were all, already destine for separation from God because we have all lived our lives in rebellion refusing Gods Ultimate Gift. Unless we take hold of the life raft that the Father has sent to rescue us, we are already dammed.

How heart wrenching it must be for Him to watch the thousands pass by every day cursing Him and rejecting His desperate efforts to convince them to enter into His Arc, but their deception is so deep, their heart so harden and black that they only curse and rant all the louder, and in the end, most of them still press on into the darkness looking for the god’s they have created in their minds and they will stay there in the darkness separated from God’s eternal kingdom of their own volition.

The only way anyone will enter hell is by refusing to enter the beautiful Open Gates of Heaven, the gate is right there, easy to find, just look for a bloody cross and a loving savior with His arms open wide bidding all to come to me, and I will in no way cast you out. Only Jesus has dealt with your sin’s, all other paths leave you to try to earn your own salvation by appeasing some wrathful deity. But that path, the path to hell goes right pass the cross and you can only get there by rejecting the free gift that God prepared for you, by allowing His own Son to be sacrificed for you.

I hate to think of it but with arrogant pride they pass by repeating the mantra, I don’t accept your God’s narrow minded path! My god doesn’t send people to hell, all paths lead to my god, oh please realize you are making your own god / Idol and bowing down before it. This is something people imagined in their mind to hold on to their selfish pride and sexual lust instead of admitting they need a savior! And yes they are correct, all other paths do lead to their god, and Satan is laughing at how easy it is to deceive the human race. They think the empty short lived pleasures of this world that Satan offers can somehow compare to the eternal glorious wonders that God has created for them in His kingdom!

Satan often masquerades as an angel of light and as a sensual god of goodness! But don’t be deceived He is a liar and only delivers pain destruction and death, candy coated poison!

So will you surrender to your loving creator and believe what you know deep in your heart to be true, that you are in desperate need of a savior! You see, you are in desperate need of a substitution, or a scapegoat,… for your sins are many!

Will you believe Him, and enter the Kingdom that He created you for, a kingdom of light and wonder and joy a kingdom of Love and beauty and adventure, or will you reject His calls and choose to enter an eternity separated from Him in a kingdom outside of His realm, separated from light and beauty, separated from companionship and love, an eternity spent in your own rotting flesh, the putrid undying prison of your own choosing! Utter darkness devoid of any hope for all eternity?

You must realize that if God is, as He say’s; Love, Light, Truth, Joy and goodness, then separation from God is a place void of those very things. Why would anyone choose an eternity in a place without light without love… no hope no warmth no purpose, only empty unending thirst, hunger and darkness! Why? Pride, Lust, self righteousness, bitterness? You see you will still experience all of your hungers from this world, they will never subside nor will they ever be satisfied again, imagine being desperately thirsty and never tasting a drop of cool water again!

Tell me this; what is so wonderful in your life right now that you would risk eternity to hold onto? You know what you would need to give up to surrender your life to Jesus?... It’s just as the song says, Come Just As You Are!

Don’t believe the liar, God loves you and has paid your ransom so you can come back to Him, you are free!

So the choice is simple, it’s black and white, light or darkness, our God loves us completely and bankrupted heaven to ransom you from the hands of Satan. We all, every one of us including me & you, had been storing up wrath all of our lives… do you agree or have you never told a lie or stolen anything, have you never cursed or been hateful without reason, or are you still trying to compare yourself to other wicked people thinking you’re not as big a sinner as they are, the problem is that they are Not the standard, Jesus is!

Every sin you ever committed has already been paid for 2000 yr’s ago on the very cross that you stand before today! What you are reading now is a desperate plea from a loving Father trying to rescue YOU, His precious child! The only requirement is that you go to the Savior at the gate marked Paid In Full, lay down your own self-righteousness at His nail pierced feet, and receive His free gift of forgiveness Now, before you step through the vial of death.

Again He calls… Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest,.. I go to prepare a place for you where there is No more pain, No more sickness No more sorrow No more betrayal No more goodbyes, No More DEATH.

My Children, my Father, my Mother, my Family my Friends, wont you lay your heart down and come with me on this Eternal Adventure, do you not hunger for true purpose in this life, the King of the universe, King Jesus is calling you and all of His Children, to wake up out of your stupor, shake off the deception of the liar and run to the open arms of your savior.

This I promise you, if you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him, He is always near to those who have a humble spirit!

For eye has not seen nor has the mind comprehended the things that I have prepared for you!

Love The Lamb

P.S. The first thing you should do after you surrender to Jesus is to go and read the Gospel (good news) of Mark and then John. DON”T go to any church for at least a few months! Just read your Bible every day and let God speak to you through it, read the 4 gospels and the book of Act’s and Romans and the rest of the New Testament, read Galatians 5 or 10 times, don’t get sucked into legalism and rituals let the Holy Spirit fill you and teach you. Look at the first century church, true Christianity is full of power and revelation, read about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and expect to see them manifest in your life!

May God Abundantly Bless You, and make His Glory Shine Upon You!

For more information feel free to contact me at;

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Seven Words

I bent my knee to pray today, but there were seven words I couldn’t say!

I easily thanked God for my Children, my family and my friends, and for my wonderful Savior who’s mercy knows no end.

My health and my home and all He has given, my very life, now transformed into a life finally worth living.

As I thought of all this my soul became sober, so free, so blessed, no more burden to shoulder.

Then the Lord showed me all the rubbish I still dragged along, this flesh not yet surrendered to the grave in which it belonged!

So I mustered my spirit, and again started to pray, but these seven little words still proved daunting to say.

Then in a moment of surrender confidently declaring, Lord in You the victory is won!


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Containing the Curse

This can’t be what the Lord planed for our lives to be like?... Satan constantly pulling the rug out from under me, It use to feel like I was trying to constrain a tiger in a cardboard box!

Sometimes I would get so weary of the battle, the constant struggle of fighting off the enemy. I desired to walk in close communion with the Lord but every time I would draw near to Him, it seemed the enemy of our souls was always redoubling his assault and would try to beat me down again. He is constantly pulling and angling to keep us off balance, he digs and claws at our faith, one day it’s our health and the next it’s a family crises or financial dilemma, he is relentless, always trying to choke out our faith at the roots, rendering us ineffective!

The warring we endure in our body and mind is not unlike a garden, it must be constantly maintained, ciaos, death and disorder threatening to overtake the order and discipline we constantly fight for. We trim and prune and rip out the weeds in the garden as well as the weeds in our own life, (lust, pride, jealousy…) ie (culling the curses) as all of creation cries out for deliverance, trying to fight off the death, disease and pestilence that is all around us, the curse we all travail under, the Fall of Adam.

Then I realized I was trying to fight the battle in my own strength, when the scripture was very clear,

"The whole Earth is groaning and trivaling, waiting for the Manifested Son's of God to take authority" Thats you and me! (the new greg version)

"I am in Christ and raised up above all principalities and powers and authority!"

"And behold, I give YOU authority over serpents and scorpians and over ALL the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you!"

"If you believe in Me, the works that I do, you shall do also and even greater than these shall you do!"

"Then I saw a lamb standing in the center of the throne, with four living creatures and the 24 elders, The lamb looked like he had been slaughtered... He took the scroll from the right hand of the one who sits on the throne and when the lamb had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 elders bowed down in front of him. Each held a harp and a gold bowl full of incense, the prayers of God's holy people. Then they sang a new song,

“You deserve to take the scroll and open the seals, because you were Perfect and you were slaughtered. You bought people with your blood to be God's own. They are from every tribe, language, people, and nation, Praise the Lam who is Worthy to take the scroll! You made them Kings and Priests for our God. They will rule as kings on the earth.”

I believe this means us and I believe this means NOW! “sit at My right hand, until I make your enemies your foot stool”! Who else is there to make His enemies His foot stool?, We are to exert Kingly Authority here and Now over the enemy and all the Earth just as Adam was given power and authority in the garden, Jesus reclaimed power and Dominion for us to prevail until He comes!)

The power we have is through the spoken Word of God! We can speak our lives into power and victory, we can speak health, we can speak blessings and we can speak authority!

11 Then I heard the voices of many angels, the four living creatures, and the elders surrounding the throne. They numbered ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands times thousands. 12 In a loud voice they were singing, “The lamb who was slain deserves to receive power, and wealth, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and praise.” 13 I heard every creature in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and on the sea. Every creature in those places was singing, “To the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise, honor, glory, and power forever and ever.” 14 Then the four living creatures said, “Amen!”

And the elders bowed and worshiped. Rev 5:6-14

Then I saw a Lamb! … THEN I SAW THE LAMB! Then I saw Victory!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thoughts In The Darker Realms of The Valley

As I walk in the silent darkness, defending again my steadfast confidence of a personal, involved loving God, as the turmoil all around me rages on, and again the lament from hell is whispered in my ear.

Is there a God, does he care for me at all?
Can he hear me when I cry, does he see me when I fall?
I stumble and struggle and grope in the dark, Battered, and Beaten I finally loose heart!

How do we reconcile the two blatant contradicting realities? The plethora of incredibly wonderful promises from God, and the deafening silence we so often experience when we need Him the most?

And then the voice continues, the subtle silent words from the deceiver.

Silently Apathetic, this God who says He Loves You, yet he abandons his beloved children in enemy territory with a host of Evil Supernatural creatures and their faithful human servants, utterly alone to be Raped, Tormented and Defiled while your prayers are return to you un-opened! And the Silence Screams out, You Fool! You Stupid childish Idiot, your hope is in Fairy Tales! Your Hope Is In Fairy Tales! Scream and shout, say another prayer or cut yourself for all I care, it’s all the same, hopeless, you may as well pray to the wind.

Love Satan

Monday, April 19, 2010

So Ya Hade A Bad Day?

The Goodbye World

I hurt too much, I no longer want to fight!
Just to close my eye’s, and slip into the night.

I’ve seen only a glimpse of glory,
but a panoramic view of pain,
I wish this was the dream, and the glory would never wane.

Oh how I long for Heaven, as I sojourn in this land,
this awful place of Goodbyes so much more than I can stand!

Oh to believe there’s a place where you never say Goodbye!
Where you never taste betrayal, and your Loved ones never Die!

How many goodbyes have you said? How many times have you felt
the pain! The dreadful wrenching heartache, them to never hold again!

To watch your Mommy slowly dying or to see your injured Babies
puzzled eyes, to know your spouse is laughing in the night,
with another at their side.

This endless fall of goodbyes, this raging storm of pain,
this never ending nightmare, this relentless pouring rain!

The hill without a downside, the betrayal of a friend,
The long awaited victory that comes crashing to an end!

Oh this world of goodbyes, this can not be my home?
This can’t be all there is for me to ever walk alone!

I have this hope inside me, this knowledge of beyond,
This image of a country, where my heart will never long.

There must be a God of goodness, of goodness, hope and light,
For we’ve seen the roaring devil, and felt his terror in the night!

There must be a God of goodness…
There must be a God of goodness…

Though I’d be ashamed to stand before Him,
as for goodness I have none,

My only hope is God's mercy,
and the Blood of His precious only Son!

Gregory James LaRev

And then He put a new song in my mouth!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Tale of Smiling Jack

The Tale of Smiling Jack

So what can I say bout my little Smiling Jack, his tongue as sharp as a razor and his whit as sharp as a tack.

A Doctor, a Lawyer, a Chef or a King, all these are possible for this kid of who’s praises I sing.

I can hardly be mad for my amazement at his skill, for telling such a straight face story, of solid Bull Ship at his will!

Now some qualities I can claim, Green Eyes an a Easy Smile amongst many others, but this skill for telling tales so well, well he got that one directly from his Mother! (don’t tell her I said so)

Love him oh I do, and I‘ll always have his back, he’s still my little Andrew, he’s still my Smiling Jack!

HAPPY 18TH Birthday Andrew

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Handful of Pungent Treasure

I was thinking about how so many people are desperately trying to please God by jumping through all sorts of flaming religious hoops, if you think about it, our efforts to earn God’s favor by doing all these religious or “good things” could be perfectly equated to the story of the little boy and the handful of Treasure;

This little chubby face two year old was out in the back yard one day with his Daddy, as the father worked on the yard the little toddler was wandering about exploring his vast domain, when all the sudden he came across a very interesting formation, so as any little boy would do he picked it up, the texture was fascinating a little hard on the outside but still soft on the inside, and what was even more amazing was the wonderful pungent aroma that was released when he broke through the crusty outer surface, this was really a find. He had smelled something similar before, but not quite the same, well needless to say, after taking a small bite, as any sensible two year old would do, he realized this was not a good food source, but still felt he had to show this incredible find to his Daddy as soon as possible! Walking over to his father filled with joy and pride over the great discovery, he reached up his pudgy hand, offering the aromatic treasure over to his proud father and then in perfect innocence, the chubby face little guy said, “Mell Dits Daddy” then looked on anticipating the mutual appreciation.

His father, after receiving the semi hardened log of dog poop smiled and kissed his Boy on the forehead and then proceeded to bury this handful of laughter, this joyful eternal memory in the backyard flowerbed,… (for safe keeping), that’s what he told his little explorer, his little delight.

As I thought about this, I wondered how often we come before God, our Loving Father, and with good intentions, bring all kinds of offerings of… for the lack of a more fitting term,… piles of Poop?! The Father just smiles, kisses us on the forehead, and sets the gift aside. Our wonderful God is always anticipating the day we realize that all the stuff we think we need to do to appease him, is really just piles of proverbial Poop! All the little laws and rituals, are not even as valuable as that pile of dog doo, at least the dog doo was good for fertilizer!

Gregory J.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Journey


Dear Disillusioned,

Have you ever felt that this Christian life was falling short of what you see in the scriptures, have you come to the point in your walk with the Lord where something has to change, where you’ve always felt there was more, you knew it and you wanted it! No more books, no more sermons, no more empty promises. That is exactly where I found myself not so long ago, and if you will lend me your ear for a few pages, I think you will start to see a light at the end of the tunnel a light that you have been longing for and more important a light that the Lord has been longing to share with you all of your life. So join me for this wonderful trip out of the darkness and into the light, on the road to understanding and becoming who you really are in Christ! And ultimately walking in the complete Power and confidence of our Glorious Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah!

Over the next few pages you will be exposed to some Scriptures verses, and some thoughts and ideas that you may not have ever looked into before, or you may have never even knew they were there, either because you were never taught by your Pastor, (for whatever reason), or more likely because the both of you, as well as most of the entire Church (myself included) has been blinded by the enemy of our Souls! His plan is to keep the children of God in a state of defeat and ineffectiveness by deceiving us concerning the gifts, dominion, authority and power that was given to us in the garden and then reclaimed and bought for us at the Cross! And it goes without saying that satan has been very successful with his strategy over the last few thousand years! I myself lived most of my Christian life in this state of deception, fear and failure! It was only after years of pouring through His Word and asking God for wisdom and understanding concerning all these things, that my eyes were finally opened and the powerful light of God’s Word, so plain and clear was right there before my eye’s waiting for me to wake up and act on what His Word say’s!... Praise His Name Forever!

My friends, if even a small portion of the true body of Christ ever gets a hold of this, it would wreak havoc in the kingdom of darkness, and we would see what the scripture means when the Lord said, “the gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail against us!

Chapter 1
From Relationship to Religion to Relationship & Rejoicing!

So I am 20 plus years into this… this surrender, this wondrous treaty with God, the incredible King of all Creation, the all consuming Holy Presence that I’ve sensed and spoken to all of my conscious life. You see I had known Him and believed in Him sense I was a small child, He revealed himself to me many times but one in particular was when I was imprisoned in my bedroom by the evil warden Mom to take the dreaded nap, I was lying in bed that morning and looking out my window, I saw a big beautiful full moon in the day light, as I laid their I thought, that is just a big ball of dirt, floating around in this black stuff called space, and it’s suppose to be floating around the bigger ball of dirt that I live on, and were both floating around this huge ball of fire in this black stuff called space? Well first of all I thought, there is NO SUCH THING as Black Stuff Called Space! And there is no such thing as floating dirt balls, and just then as clear as a bell God put it in my heart that the only way there is floating dirt balls and black stuff called space is if He made it, and He let me understand very certainly that He did Make it and He made it all for us! I remember lying their letting this soak in and thinking how foolish it was for anyone to think it could have happened any other way, I mean there is no such thing as black stuff to float in! I really understood this and was in awe of God! This was BIG NEWS, so I got out of bed and ran out to tell my Mom that there is no such thing as black stuff called space unless God made it! I remember standing their thinking my Mom would start rejoicing with me over this incredible revelation and that it would change the world!, but she just made me go back to bed? You would think that if she suspected this to be just a ploy to get out of bed, that I, being only 4 years old would have at least gotten some kind of reward for coming up with this masterpiece! You got to admit this should have gotten me something, ice cream, early release for good behavior, or at least an, at a boy Greggie! Whats more amazing is that even after understanding this powerful word from God, I still never surrendered to Him till I was in my mid twenties.

Well in 1987 I was powerfully saved out in southern California several months after a childhood friend shared the simple Gospel with me. I was Born Again while I was out running one hung-over Saturday morning, and I have never looked back! (I had already been there and it wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be!)

So after 20 something years of this Journey with God, I realized I was dying inside, something was missing, I was completely disillusioned, not seeing any likeness between the believers in my Bible and the believers in my life! I had kind of drifted off into some kind of stupper, into this dead complacent Christianity, I now found myself desperately trying to do religious things to re-kindle the raging fire I had known and experienced, and then forgotten so many years earlier when I first surrendered my life to Jesus. Now all of the sudden it was like I was waking up out of some kind of fog, and I started remembering little moments of that terrifying exciting time with God when I first realized that the Spiritual realm was really true, even more true than this physical world which were imprisoned in. (for our 20 to life sentence) You see in the beginning I was willingly possessed by God and filled with His Holy Spirit!, it was all new and powerful, almost enchanting! My first few years of walking with Jesus were just me and His Word and the Holy Spirit, (I had not started going to any church yet) that honeymoon period was full of excitement and wonder, I experienced visions and revelations and powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit that would last for hours, and this was on a regular basis!

Just by the way, don't let anyone ever tell you that the so called honeymoon experience is ever suppose to end! This is an Eternal Adventure and the joy and Power and the excitment experienced during this Journey never ends whan you are walking in the dust of the Rabbi!

So with that said, approximately a year or so after I surrendered my life to Jesus I had to return to California to do some jail time in a county facility for some things I had done before becoming a believer, (I had moved to Georgia a few months earlier) I probably wouldn’t recommend this for everyone but the time I spent in jail was one of the most incredible times of spiritual growth I could ever hope for. If it wasn’t for the daily strip searches and constant concern of getting shanked by a certain Hispanic gang member that I had crossed swords with, it might of even been enjoyable! After getting out and going back to Georgia, and after visiting dozens of churches I ended up finding a little church where the youth group, (even thou I was older than all of them) kind of adopted me, I guess they thought the leathers and Harley were cool, anyhow I started attending on a regular basis, even thou I didn’t quite fit in right away (most of these folks didn’t even know anybody that had ever smoked cigarettes before, much less a pot head that had come from a life of drugs, alcohol and adult entertainment) but eventually I started doing what I saw everyone else doing, I thought that was what Christianity was,… go to church Sunday morning and evening and then again on Wednesday, and an occasional Christian concert or a revival meeting. Certainly these good people knew more about being a Christian than I did?!?,… or did they?

I learned about tithing, and not working on Sundays and someone said I shouldn’t dance or ware jewelry, others said that the women shouldn’t cut their hair or wear long pants? Other churches I visited before I settled into mine said we had to keep the Saturday Sabbath, or we weren’t saved, and still others said we shouldn’t play musical instruments and if we did we weren’t saved either? Some said we needed to light candles, pray to the saints and say 100 hail Mary’s! While others said I needed to go on a two year missionary trip and do some temple ritual? And then there were a few that I have no idea what they were saying because ah, they were ah, screaming so loud ah! (not to mention the sweating and spitting) The most amazing thing was that all these churches called themselves “Christian” and were all supposedly looking at the same book? Now I had been reading that Wonderful Book for thousands of hours and couldn’t figure out where the heck they came up with 99% of that garbage ah!

I guess the church I was going to looked a little closer to the New Testament church than some of the others… but still… NOT! And another thing I noticed, most every believer I ever met could barely afford to even live a modest lifestyle, while the New Testament 1st century church was described as “lacking nothing” and had all things in common and were able to give to the needy whenever necessary! While most of our churches were trying to support only a small handful of missionaries with money from bake sales, and car washes, it seemed the enemies faithful servants (Islamic Shake’s, & all the Buffet’s, Turner’s, Chavez’s and Heffner’s of the world) seemed to have all the money they needed and were hoarding Billions of dollars and funding all sorts of wickedness! Not to mention None of the believers I knew, or churches I went too seemed to walk in any of the Power that the New Testament believers walked in!

This should Not be so!!!

My Bible said; and these are the Miraculous signs that WILL Follow Believers! And when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, You SHALL be endowed with POWER! And that; The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just! And; My God shall supply ALL my need’s according to HIS Riches an Glory! And…and…and! I knew it was true, I had experienced it!

Well after getting thoroughly “Churchnotized” I soon conformed to the Borg and drifted into that lukewarm fog I had mentioned. I am not sure how it happened nor when but I guess it was a combination of me just closing my eyes and starting to listen to those that taught us that these verses weren’t for us anymore, and then on top of that, I was thinking that maybe I wasn’t holy enough to earn that kind of life, or maybe I needed to repent some more or something? However it happened, the end result was, the cares of the world crept in and all those verses just went away, and faded from my mind! The devil had successfully snatched the seed away that had been planted in my heart.

The exciting powerful relationship I had with God was now completely sanitized and neutralized, then, the 20th century American Christian lifestyle,… the lifeless, powerless, monotoness, let’s just play church life kicked in, I got married and started having children and then,… it was 20 years later and I was here dyeing inside, under self imprisonment buy manmade law’s of Sunday worship and tithing as well as a bunch of other junk! By the way, we are gentiles and were never put under the law of Moses! Still there I was trying to keep law’s and living in absolute defeat, not realizing that the all powerful Glorious Savior that had radically changed my life, Jesus Christ was now made of no effect in my life!

Dear friend, please don’t do another thing until you go read the book of Galatians, read it five or six times if you need, and pray over it, this is key to what is keeping you and the church in bondage! Read it and you will see what has happened to the 21st century church! Gal 3:1-5 vs. 13-14 vs. 4:9 vs. 5:1-5

The Awakening

Transitioning Back To The Light

It’s only when you are willing to hear and deal with the truth that you are able to see the lie and deception you were under! When I was willing, God opened my eyes!

Thank God I didn’t go to church when I got saved! Yep that was the best thing that could happen to me after I surrendered my life to the Lord! During that time it was just me and my Bible and the Holy Spirit. I learned to depend on the Lord, and learned to hear the voice of the Spirit instead of the voice of man. Thank God for those first few years where I just spent time with Him! Now don’t get me wrong, I love church, but you better know your stuff before you walk into one of those places, it could really mess you up!

What would have happened to me if I hadn’t already known the Scriptures? What would have happened to me if I had not already experienced those wonderful powerful encounters with God? If after all that, I was still so completely confused, so shortly after walking into a church, what if I had ignorantly just went to church after getting saved?!... or worse yet, what if I got saved at church, talk about the blind leading the blind! Approximately 80 or 90% of the leadership of the so called body of Christ don’t even believe in the working presence of the Holy Spirit in their own life, so they certainly aren’t going to tell a new believer about Him. A new believer could go through their entire life in church and never hear about the power of the Holy Spirit that is available to all of us! I was so fortunate I had experienced the things I had with God, and was basically grounded in the Word before I ever set foot in a church. The Holy Spirit had something to work with, to bring back to remembrance, yet I was still mislead for years, and the devil was still able to steal the seed that was planted in me, how much more dangerous is it for a new Believer! That’s why Paul said that we need to be like the Breans, “searching the scriptures daily, to prove, what is the truth”! We are instructed over and over to “study His word to show what we are approved for”, “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you”!

I truly loved God’s word and had many wonderful encounters with the Word during those powerless years but as I look back I really wasn’t desperate, I wasn’t totally willing to hear the truth, but I started remembering little glimpses of the Glory I had experienced. It was like I was waking up from getting hit on the head, like having amnesia, and starting to remember little bits and pieces, this here and that their. I think I was listening to Mark Ruttland, and he mentioned a verse out of the gospel of Mark, I really don’t even remember the verse, but it had been a while sense I read Marks gospel so I just dug in and started reading. It was as if I had never read the book before in my whole life! In the very first chapter the Lord is casting out demons on two different occasions and it never stops the whole way through. Cast a demon out here, cleanse a leper there, give sight to a blind man and then fuss at the disciples for not performing a miracle when they had the chance! It was amazing, how did I ignore all this for so long and not even question it? Why did I never hear a sermon on casting out demons, (Luke 10:17) or believers walking in the full power and authority of the resurrected Lord of the universe! From the first chapter of Mark to the last chapter Jesus was not just displaying miracles himself, but instructing the disciples to do the same, and rebuking them when they didn’t, (oh ye of little faith have I been with you so long and still you don’t believe!) Jesus was commanding them to force the demons out of people and heal the sick, to pray in spirit (tungs) and raise the dead! This was there marching orders, there blueprint on the everyday life of the believer, this is what the church is still called to do! Do we think we can just censor large portions of the Word of God in the New Testament that we aren’t comfortable with and still see the power and blessings of the Lord manifested? Can we ignore the Lords constant instructions and just “have it our way”, as if we get to say that we prefer our plan over God’s! Well that is exactly what satan has had us doing for the last two thousand years, and the church is completely without power and effect as it should be.

So now my eye’s are starting to get readjusted to the Light and after a few weeks of the Lord reacquainting me with His Whole Word, I started looking at the 21st century church and couldn’t find anything that was even close to the 1st century model that the Lord and the Apostles died to establish and will to us! So what had happened, how did we get so twisted up? I started talking to friends about what the Lord had been revealing to me and you would have thought I was telling them I was kidnapped by little green men! The leader of my small group Bible study’s head started spinning around and was ready to punch me out when I brought it up as the topic of my lesson one night when I was leading! And then as always, God started sending books and tapes and other people across my path that were waking up to the very same verses. I was seeing light on top of light and glory on top of glory, oh what a relief it was to be able to talk about these things and share what we were seeing! The more I died to me, the more Glory I could see manifesting all around! This thing I know as a fact, Surrender is the only way to discovering the incredible riches that God has for us in this life, this world right now! Surrender is the only way to this ever brightening Light and Glory, this wonderful freedom and power this thirst quenching Joy! Surrender ALL! Surrender ALL! Surrender ALL!!!

My life for years had been powerless, yet I knew deep down inside that there should be more, more of something, more of anything! I had prayed and prayed about all sorts of different things thru the years but saw ZERO results. What was I doing wrong, or was I so wicked, that God didn’t even hear my prayers? Now I know that there are basic laws and rights that I should have been informed of as a baby Christian, but I was ignorant of these teachings and apparently so were my elders.

Gal. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ! (and entitled to all the rights of the Son)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Nan's Pome

Broken hearts and broken dreams, another day of wandering,
another tear, the pain grows worse when will the LORD come
to break this Curse?

We’ve endured these days of Darkness and Sorrow,
but the New Day Dawns and Joy comes tomorrow!

GOD has filled our minds with images of Glory,
unfulfilled in this life, but we've not yet come to the end of the story!

For eye has NOT seen, nor the mind comprehended,
what GOD has for His children, when this life has ended!

So now you see clearly Mom, while we still look through a stained glass.
I love You Mommy n you know I Miss U!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The True Naked YOU!

Just thinking about something Ravi Zach. said at ch yesterday, he was talking about how we will all shed this body of corruption and stand as only Spirit! I think he was quoting C.S. Lewis...

How would that affect us now!?! If you were just pure spirit?, “Invisible”, would people like you or be attracted to you just by what you have to say, am I interesting or funny… or a JERK!?

We would all be who we “Really” are!!! Scary!

All of us, the genetically blessed beautiful people and the genetically disadvantaged will stand in their true Naked Invisible reality! The genetic lottery winners will no longer walk in the false confidence that is afforded to them through a lifetime of affirmation and praise for possessing something that they never had to learn nor earn. And the less fortunate, who swam in the wrong end of the gene pool, would never have to drudge through the unnecessary shame and ever present consciousness of their imperfections, struggling to hold their head up and walk in confidence!

We would all be accepted or rejected for who we really are! Would people like me or respect me for just who I am and what I have done for others? Do I have a servents heart that would make me more attractive? Or do i actually do anything for others that would truly count?

And if all my “friends” and acquaintances were just the invisible spirit part, what about those relationships?... as far as the same sex friends go, I don’t think it would change my feelings much, but if I am honest, I can think of a couple (the opposite sex) that I would probably be more attracted to! And a few that I am attracted to Now, that would no longer have any power over me, actually as I now think about it I would more likely be repelled by them, and Freed from this superficial and very unreasonable power they have over me or should I say… over my flesh!

Wow am I ever Shallow! Help me Lord and forgive me!