Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Cocoon of Communion

Chapter 5

How do I describe something that God showed me in a moment of long sought after communion? You see this had come to me during an evening of prayer and praise (in the middle of a storm, in the bottom of a valley!) and it had only come after months of a desperate pursuit for answers regarding His Word. Now I assure you this isn’t some new secret, this is stuff we all know but we just don’t realize how important and powerful these things are!

Well here goes, but please understand this will NOT be comprehended with a casual reading of the words. You have to go down to the core of what the word’s mean, you have to eliminate all your preconceived thoughts on this matter. When you really get a hold of what I am telling you, you will realize this is the true heart of God’s Words, and that we have been lied to for so long that it’s hard to accept the truth!

This is the first of two thoughts or revelations which were separate encounters I had with the Lord at the end of a year and a half long desperate siege on the Throne of God. Now understand, this was not just saying a quick prayer before I went to bed, this was hours and hours almost every night in my prayer room! During this time God had brought me back to the Ignored Verses that I had just skimmed over for 20 years like they weren’t meant for me, and the more I took them to heart and started walking in them and proclaiming them, the more all hell broke loose in my personal life!

For some time (all my Christian journey) the Lord had been showing me verses and sending books my way and people, but at this point that wasn’t going to suffice, I WANTED HIM! I wanted to hear God, without any doubt! Not another book by a man or another sermon! I wanted to have God show up in my life! As I pressed on and into God’s word for months now, here again in another dark valley of life, it seemed that God was ignoring me and rejecting me. My business dried up and failed, my “Christian Joy” was dead in the water, my Hope was fading fast and what little self confidence I had reserved was now Below ZERO!!! I was a looser by all definitions of the word!

I knew God didn’t put things in the scriptures that were just passing statements, His Word’s are all to be taken seriously and, in most cases literally! It’s all there for a reason, for instruction, for equipping the saints for inspiration, the New Testament is a Blue Print of what the properly functioning Christian life should look like, and needless to say, the 20th century church is a long way from that!

So after months of Claiming and Speaking, Meditating and Praying over His Words, these Rejected Gospel verses, these incredible Ignored Red Words, I was becoming beat down and confused to the point of being ashamed that I believed them so completely so intently! Now, I couldn’t even talk to anyone about them, my own heart and words were empty and completely deflated! How could I tell anyone about these incredible verses… how could I… for now the opposite was manifesting in my life, failure on top of failure! I was broke and in debt to friends, and my best friend in this journey with me was now in the hospital ICU with Cancer and double phenomena even though we had prayed many times and claimed healing! When would God show up, I didn’t understand what was going on, this was a huge crises of faith! I could hardly breath, it felt like some huge weight was sitting right on my chest! So here I am, how do I go back… did the Holy Spirit “NOT” lead the writers of the Gospels to put these verses in the book? Was it a typo? A bad joke or did Jesus never say these words?

So instead of walking in the power and victory of the Lord’s words, I was reduced to begging God for just a little help, a little encouragement, if He would just throw me a proverbial bone to show me I wasn’t crazy for actually believing His Word’s! Lord here I ‘am hanging on the side of this mountain without any rope, and there was no way back down from here, where are you! Even though in my outside world I was experiencing anything but the Lords power and victory, I still knew with all my heart it was all true and it was all for us! How could anyone ever go back to dead Christian-dome? How do you unlearn what you absolutely know to be a fact! These words have to be true or it’s all compromised, this was life or death to me! If I can’t believe these verses how do I trust any of the rest of it, I would have to overlook the most critical information I have ever encountered, knowing this how would I ever share the Gospel with anybody ever again. (or only half of it, how many verses will we have to throw out? 60,70? MORE?) Could I just close my eyes and try to forget this… it would be like Neio going back into the matrix! How do you give up Hope,… that’s worse than death, worse than torture! Hope unfulfilled in still better than no hope at all!

And even worse, I knew deep down in my spirit that it was even Bigger, even more true, even more Powerful than the small group of us studying this were thinking. While they are trusting God for a $200 phone bill I am saying $200 million for missions isn’t even a drop in the bucket! When they are praying for relief of back pain, I am claiming perfect healing and cursing the cancer in my friend and knowing deep down in my heart that we should be at the children’s hospital laying hands on and healing children with muscular dystrophy and leukemia in the mighty name of Jesus!

“By this, they will know that you are my Disciples!”

I believe the Lord meant what He said, “ if you Believe… All Things Are Possible to him that Believes! I believe He meant Anything and Everything!


Mark 11: 22 Jesus said to them, “Have faith in God, 23 I can guarantee this truth: This is what will be done for someone who doesn't doubt in his heart but believes what he says will happen: He can say to this mountain, ‘Be uprooted and thrown into the sea,' and it will be done for him. 24 That's why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever it is you pray for, and it will be yours.

But I am still seeing squat in my own world! I know it’s true but I am going through !*&!!#%?

Well I ain’t going back… I know that I know, that I know, it’s TRUE! I tell you it’s all true! It’s Got To Be True!!! All of it! ALL OF IT!!! Jesus himself said; “these are the Miraculous Signs that WILL follow Believers!” and I am going to just act like He was telling the truth! Let them call me Crazy if they want!

The first clear breakthrough…

Then one evening, in a second, in a whisper, His Spirit told me that I should never be ashamed of believing, then almost in a gentle scolding He said; these are My Words, these words are all written in RED!, they were there for us, and they were there for a reason! He showed me that SHAME was one of the main things the devil was using to hold me back and not only me but most of the entire 21st century church in America! The Enemy had deceived me and most of the true Believers into thinking that it was wrong to expect the miraculous in our lives, the very thing that separates the true way of God, from all the man made demonic religions of the world. Buda never told his followers to heal the sick! Joseph Smith never told his followers to give sight to the blind! Mohamed never told his followers to raise the Dead! (only kill the unbelieving) So why did I not see these things manifesting in my life???

I was still living as if Satan was still my Slave Master! Even though Jesus had paid our ransom and secured our pardon, we were still sitting in this prison even after Jesus had blown the door off the cell! Satan had disarmed the entire church with a single thought which he had put into our minds over and over and over… You Should Be Ashamed of yourself for desiring any of these things! He would say; There are children starving and you selfishly ask God to bless you! Your just a greedy lover of money! You just want to bring glory to yourself!... on and on! What he didn’t mention about these starving children is that most of them are in Godless countries where he rules through all his false pagan religions!

Then as clear as a bell the God of all Glory inspired me to start thanking Him and praising Him, my wonderful Father in heaven let me know He loved me and freed me from this burden that had been restricting my heart for so long. Shame had hindered me from really believing this could be for me! He showed me clearly that in worshiping Him and thanking Him, He was freed to manifest His Glory and Blessing’s in my life, that it was a crucial connection or bridge that would join us more intimately. That when He says “He will inhabit our Praise” He really means, “He will inhabit our Praise”! He would pour His Holy Spirit down into us in a way that no other approach would allow! And just as Salvation was free so were all His other gifts, I could do no works to earn them, and He loved to give good gifts to His children! He told me I was always free to receive the inheritance and the power that His Son had died to purchase for me, it was always available to me as long as I had come out from under the law!

He reminded me that Satan was a lire and the father of lies, the enemy had used the church to first put me under the law where Christ was made of no effect in my life!, and then pump me full of Condemnation and make me feel Ashamed for believing these verses were really for us… FOR ME!... So even though Christ purchased my freedom, I didn’t know any better and I listened to and trusted other people rather than “only His word”! I had allowed myself to go back into bondage! Then on top of that was the years of lies and condemnation which depleted any power of Christ in my life. But the Lord, always leading and always calling me, had been waiting patiently for me to seek Him with all my heart!

Then like a veil being lifted from my eyes, I understood that God was showing me… telling me, that it is not a Bad Thing to take Him at His word! It wasn’t out of selfishness or some personal ego trip, my heart was for God’s kingdom, the condemnation wasn’t from God it was from the lire!

The Enemy of my soul had deceived me and Shamed me into feeling it was wrong to ever want these promises in my life, thinking it was only because of Greed, that I wanted to experience the Lords Manifested Word in my life, that it was from being self-centered, that it was all just plain sensationalism or name it and claim it, he made us think it was all kinds of garbage or hokies pokies, even demonic! But in reality the opposite was true, this was the very power that Christ won for us on Calvary! Satan had deceived the Body of Christ into calling good evil and robbed us of the true power that sets the followers of Jesus apart from all the Man Made religions in the world!

All of the verses that are completely ignored by 90% of the church, are the very life giving POWER, and the nuclear core of the Gospel, these are the heart of the Lords teachings that confirmed that the Lord was the true Messiah and that Christianity is the true way!

“Go into all the world and tell everyone the Good News, he that believes and is baptized will be saved …and these are the miraculous signs that will follow Believers in the Power and Authority of My Name they Will Force Demons out of people”… “the Gospel will be confirmed by signs and wonders”, “If you Believe you will see the Glory of god”, “As you go, spread this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.' 8 Cure the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse the lepers, and force demons out of people. Give these things without charging, since you received them without paying”! These are ALL RED WORDS! And you may notice, these are not suggestions but Commandments!

So my friend it’s Not A Bad Thing to ask God to reveal Himself to us in an amazing personal way! Jer. 29:13

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to desire to see miracles working in your life! Mark 16

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to desire and expect the ability to lay hands on the sick and see them healed, right then and their! Math. 10:7

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to ask God for His Blessing on our work and everything we do! Mal.3:11

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to want a good home for our Families and a safe place for our children to play! Psalm 37:3

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to want good days full of peace and prosperity to enjoy with our Wives and Children, to eat drink and be merry! For there is a season for everything. Ecc.

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to want an Abundant life and Wealth to provide an inheritance for our Children and Grandchildren and to have enough overflow to feed the poor and always be ready to help others in need! John 10:10 and 2 Cor. 9:11

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to want to take Authority over the powers of darkness and command them to flee in the Power and Authority of the name of Jesus! Luke 10:17

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to claim all the promises of God and ask for the better gifts! 1Cor. 12:31

It Doesn’t bring Glory to God when His church is beaten down broken and defeated! When they only have a form of godliness but No power!

It Doesn’t bring Glory to God when His church is so bound up in debt and finical stress that they can’t pay their own bills on time, and there good name is besmirched and much worse the name of Christ is shamed.

It Doesn’t bring Glory to God when His Children are Divorcing at a rate as high as the unbelievers because they are so disillusioned and beaten down, living in failure and defeat!

It Doesn’t bring Glory to God when Your prayers are empty and cold, when there is no power or life in your Christian walk, when you can’t even remember what it was like to feel that excitement and passion of your faith, Or even if you had Faith!

Do you see it’s Not A Bad Thing to want to see the Lame Walk! It would be evil to say that it’s Gods will for these children to be deformed and bound to a wheel chair!

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to want to have money to feed the poor! What do you think that the wicked of the world will have more compassion for the poor and needy than YOU?

And it’s Not A Bad Thing to give Sight to the Blind, Jesus did it on a regular basis!

It’s Not A Bad Thing to see alcoholics and drug addicts delivered from the Demon’s that have held them in bondage for years! Or do you think it’s a disease?

And It’s Not A Bad Thing to open the Ears of the Deaf instead of sitting them in a special section to have someone to do sign language for them!

And it’s not out of Gods power to raise the Dead to Life! I am not talking spiritual dead! Yes I am really saying raising the Dead to life!

Yes I am really saying casting Demons out of people and making the Lame Walk!!!

I am saying that when the Scripture says we “Put On Christ” and that we are hidden in Christ, and raised up above all principalities and powers, that it’s truly Jesus (if we allow Him to manifest His life and power in us) working the work’s of the Father through us, in Him!

But It IS a Bad Thing to give the enemy victory in a battle that the Lord Jesus, at a very huge cost, has already won!

It IS A Bad Thing to REJECT the gifts Christ bought for you, and allow the Enemy of our Souls to continue to SHAME us into thinking those verses should be ignored.

And it is a Bad Thing to just continue living like Satan’s slaves, when we are really Children of the King! These things are all ours, if we are in Christ… the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us richly!

The Lord gave me a great analogy of this one night, It’s like in the movie “Iron Man” the main character built this super hero flying suite that was deadly, I mean when he put on the Iron Man suit, you better hope you were on his side! This thing was amazing, and it was loaded for bear, but it didn’t work without the man inside!, and the man had no powers of his own, only when he put on that suit, but when he put the suit on… look out, they could kick some butt!

When we talk about putting on Christ, this is what we are doing, we are putting on the God of all creation and Nothing is Impossible! He is just waiting for us to utilize all that He has provided for us, waiting for us to take Him at His Word, to put on the suit! But most of us never do.

This is the way God operates in this earth, He gave us dominion, but we gave it to Satan, so now He must honor His Word by working through man. It’s the only way He can legally operate to get around Satan’s legal dominion in this world, Satan is the god of this world, look it up! This is a hard thing to hear, but God is Not the Sovigern ruler over this Earth, Satan and us the true Born Again Believers have joint custody and dominion! (and so far he is the only one exerting authority) It is through us, the regenerated believers in Jesus the Messiah that God has freedom to work in our world, this is one of the many things He purchased at Calvary! So when we, put on Christ, we are putting on the Supernatural, all Powerful, Glorious Son of the universe! We are God’s children, manifesting His will through His Son, and there is no limit to what Jesus can do through us if we realize this and walk in this authority! And there is nothing Satan can do to stop us in Christ or to stop Christ in us!

So you see… It’s Not A Bad Thing to want to see The Church finally Become the Manifested Sons of God that the entire earth is waiting for! To finally see the Hires of God walk in the Power and Authority of the Lord Jesus Chris!

The real Iron Man!

Die You Fool, Die You Fool and Live

How many times have we heard it, the Lord Himself told us “if we loose our lives for His sake, we will gain it”! However, Killing this flesh is a daunting task. For years of my walk with the Lord I had only seen glimpses of the prize (a life of freedom and power) and had experienced moments of clarity on how completely sensible it would be to truly live in that surrendered state of mind, and I can honestly say I experienced that true state of absolute surrender before, it was only for moments but what a glorious sense of peace it was to be willing to be totally in His Will! As always the flesh pulled and pulled at me and I too often surrendered to the voice of the enemy instead of running to the way of escape, the gentle calling of the Spirit.

It took years of God gently guiding me, but this bit of understanding I have attained and have absolute confidence in, … when we truly die to ourselves, we can really enter into and can enjoy the battle for the souls of Man! What battle you say? The true work of the Lord, the battle for the souls of God’s children, which is our ultimate purpose in life. When we have our heart aligned with God’s heart, we will not be constantly longing for the things that so easily distract us, the constant barrage of the things of the world, the carrots that Satan is always throwing in our faces, the big homes or cars or other toys, the sexual enticements or the pursuit of power or wealth. Our flesh is always hungering for something, but it’s just an illusion, a seductive illusion of promised satisfaction, a mirage that is never attainable!

The foolish still think the hunger can be satisfied!

The darkness often looks soft, sensuous and satisfying, we think, oh this will quench this unrelenting thirst I have, this will make me happy!, another drink, another line, another sexual encounter, another husband or wife, but it never quenches the hunger, its only candy coated poison and pain, an empty promise of satisfaction. Don’t waste your life chasing them, they are no more real or satisfying than an air brushed photograph in a glossy magazine!

Satan never delivers on his promises, he is always calling you to go deeper, just a little further he says, and you will experience your greatest desires, but deep down we know it’s only a lie, an empty lifeless mirage! And then, even worse, when we reject the pleading of God’s Holy Spirit and finally surrender to the temptation, satan pours a flood of condemnation and judgment down upon us!

You are Spirit, and only God’s spiritual gifts will satisfy and fill your hungry soul!

When we go against the lust of the eye and yield to the voice of the spirit, when we completely surrender and die to ourselves, when we dive into the life truly given to Christ, when we climb out of this body of death, and leave our flesh in the grave where it belongs, we can finally taste true and complete satisfaction. Ultimately we will discover that the more we surrender the more overwhelming the satisfaction becomes.

Only the indulgence in the things of God is there absolute thirst quenching satisfaction! The deeper you go with the Spirit, the more Glory is revealed and the power and light become brighter and stronger. The things we were convinced were boring and dull (prayer and worship?) are the very things that transport us into the deepest joy and open the door to this exciting world of the spirit that we unknowingly have longed for all our lives! Oh if I knew this before I wasted so many years trying to quench the hunger of this monstrous flesh!

You have got to realize, we have been given the honor of serving along side of the King of the Universe! You can serve an important roll in the plan of the God of creation, we are enlisted in the Lords army, you have been given an invitation to come to the table and be counted in the inner circle of God’s elite soldiers! You have been given the honor of being privy to the private secret consul of the Holy Spirit of GOD!

If we will accept the mission, we will live forever remembering these days for all eternity, these days in enemy territory, in direct combat with supernatural fallen creatures, and the more we surrender the more revelation we are given, and the more Glory is revealed! We may not see ourselves playing a major roll in God’s plan, but maybe He has a bigger plan for us than we do…

Are you willing to go deeper? Are you really all in?

Or do you think… I would rather get a bigger???

Taste and see that the Lord is Awesome!
Sincerely Surrendered