How many times have we heard it, the Lord Himself told us “if we loose our lives for His sake, we will gain it”! However, Killing this flesh is a daunting task. For years of my walk with the Lord I had only seen glimpses of the prize (a life of freedom and power) and had experienced moments of clarity on how completely sensible it would be to truly live in that surrendered state of mind, and I can honestly say I experienced that true state of absolute surrender before, it was only for moments but what a glorious sense of peace it was to be willing to be totally in His Will! As always the flesh pulled and pulled at me and I too often surrendered to the voice of the enemy instead of running to the way of escape, the gentle calling of the Spirit.
It took years of God gently guiding me, but this bit of understanding I have attained and have absolute confidence in, … when we truly die to ourselves, we can really enter into and can enjoy the battle for the souls of Man! What battle you say? The true work of the Lord, the battle for the souls of God’s children, which is our ultimate purpose in life. When we have our heart aligned with God’s heart, we will not be constantly longing for the things that so easily distract us, the constant barrage of the things of the world, the carrots that Satan is always throwing in our faces, the big homes or cars or other toys, the sexual enticements or the pursuit of power or wealth. Our flesh is always hungering for something, but it’s just an illusion, a seductive illusion of promised satisfaction, a mirage that is never attainable!
The foolish still think the hunger can be satisfied!
The darkness often looks soft, sensuous and satisfying, we think, oh this will quench this unrelenting thirst I have, this will make me happy!, another drink, another line, another sexual encounter, another husband or wife, but it never quenches the hunger, its only candy coated poison and pain, an empty promise of satisfaction. Don’t waste your life chasing them, they are no more real or satisfying than an air brushed photograph in a glossy magazine!
Satan never delivers on his promises, he is always calling you to go deeper, just a little further he says, and you will experience your greatest desires, but deep down we know it’s only a lie, an empty lifeless mirage! And then, even worse, when we reject the pleading of God’s Holy Spirit and finally surrender to the temptation, satan pours a flood of condemnation and judgment down upon us!
You are Spirit, and only God’s spiritual gifts will satisfy and fill your hungry soul!
When we go against the lust of the eye and yield to the voice of the spirit, when we completely surrender and die to ourselves, when we dive into the life truly given to Christ, when we climb out of this body of death, and leave our flesh in the grave where it belongs, we can finally taste true and complete satisfaction. Ultimately we will discover that the more we surrender the more overwhelming the satisfaction becomes.
Only the indulgence in the things of God is there absolute thirst quenching satisfaction! The deeper you go with the Spirit, the more Glory is revealed and the power and light become brighter and stronger. The things we were convinced were boring and dull (prayer and worship?) are the very things that transport us into the deepest joy and open the door to this exciting world of the spirit that we unknowingly have longed for all our lives! Oh if I knew this before I wasted so many years trying to quench the hunger of this monstrous flesh!
You have got to realize, we have been given the honor of serving along side of the King of the Universe! You can serve an important roll in the plan of the God of creation, we are enlisted in the Lords army, you have been given an invitation to come to the table and be counted in the inner circle of God’s elite soldiers! You have been given the honor of being privy to the private secret consul of the Holy Spirit of GOD!
If we will accept the mission, we will live forever remembering these days for all eternity, these days in enemy territory, in direct combat with supernatural fallen creatures, and the more we surrender the more revelation we are given, and the more Glory is revealed! We may not see ourselves playing a major roll in God’s plan, but maybe He has a bigger plan for us than we do…
Are you willing to go deeper? Are you really all in?
Or do you think… I would rather get a bigger???
Taste and see that the Lord is Awesome!
Sincerely Surrendered
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