Transitioning Back To The Light
It’s only when you are willing to hear and deal with the truth that you are able to see the lie and deception you were under! When I was willing, God opened my eyes!
Thank God I didn’t go to church when I got saved! Yep that was the best thing that could happen to me after I surrendered my life to the Lord! During that time it was just me and my Bible and the Holy Spirit. I learned to depend on the Lord, and learned to hear the voice of the Spirit instead of the voice of man. Thank God for those first few years where I just spent time with Him! Now don’t get me wrong, I love church, but you better know your stuff before you walk into one of those places, it could really mess you up!
What would have happened to me if I hadn’t already known the Scriptures? What would have happened to me if I had not already experienced those wonderful powerful encounters with God? If after all that, I was still so completely confused, so shortly after walking into a church, what if I had ignorantly just went to church after getting saved?!... or worse yet, what if I got saved at church, talk about the blind leading the blind! Approximately 80 or 90% of the leadership of the so called body of Christ don’t even believe in the working presence of the Holy Spirit in their own life, so they certainly aren’t going to tell a new believer about Him. A new believer could go through their entire life in church and never hear about the power of the Holy Spirit that is available to all of us! I was so fortunate I had experienced the things I had with God, and was basically grounded in the Word before I ever set foot in a church. The Holy Spirit had something to work with, to bring back to remembrance, yet I was still mislead for years, and the devil was still able to steal the seed that was planted in me, how much more dangerous is it for a new Believer! That’s why Paul said that we need to be like the Breans, “searching the scriptures daily, to prove, what is the truth”! We are instructed over and over to “study His word to show what we are approved for”, “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you”!
I truly loved God’s word and had many wonderful encounters with the Word during those powerless years but as I look back I really wasn’t desperate, I wasn’t totally willing to hear the truth, but I started remembering little glimpses of the Glory I had experienced. It was like I was waking up from getting hit on the head, like having amnesia, and starting to remember little bits and pieces, this here and that their. I think I was listening to Mark Ruttland, and he mentioned a verse out of the gospel of Mark, I really don’t even remember the verse, but it had been a while sense I read Marks gospel so I just dug in and started reading. It was as if I had never read the book before in my whole life! In the very first chapter the Lord is casting out demons on two different occasions and it never stops the whole way through. Cast a demon out here, cleanse a leper there, give sight to a blind man and then fuss at the disciples for not performing a miracle when they had the chance! It was amazing, how did I ignore all this for so long and not even question it? Why did I never hear a sermon on casting out demons, (Luke 10:17) or believers walking in the full power and authority of the resurrected Lord of the universe! From the first chapter of Mark to the last chapter Jesus was not just displaying miracles himself, but instructing the disciples to do the same, and rebuking them when they didn’t, (oh ye of little faith have I been with you so long and still you don’t believe!) Jesus was commanding them to force the demons out of people and heal the sick, to pray in spirit (tungs) and raise the dead! This was there marching orders, there blueprint on the everyday life of the believer, this is what the church is still called to do! Do we think we can just censor large portions of the Word of God in the New Testament that we aren’t comfortable with and still see the power and blessings of the Lord manifested? Can we ignore the Lords constant instructions and just “have it our way”, as if we get to say that we prefer our plan over God’s! Well that is exactly what satan has had us doing for the last two thousand years, and the church is completely without power and effect as it should be.
So now my eye’s are starting to get readjusted to the Light and after a few weeks of the Lord reacquainting me with His Whole Word, I started looking at the 21st century church and couldn’t find anything that was even close to the 1st century model that the Lord and the Apostles died to establish and will to us! So what had happened, how did we get so twisted up? I started talking to friends about what the Lord had been revealing to me and you would have thought I was telling them I was kidnapped by little green men! The leader of my small group Bible study’s head started spinning around and was ready to punch me out when I brought it up as the topic of my lesson one night when I was leading! And then as always, God started sending books and tapes and other people across my path that were waking up to the very same verses. I was seeing light on top of light and glory on top of glory, oh what a relief it was to be able to talk about these things and share what we were seeing! The more I died to me, the more Glory I could see manifesting all around! This thing I know as a fact, Surrender is the only way to discovering the incredible riches that God has for us in this life, this world right now! Surrender is the only way to this ever brightening Light and Glory, this wonderful freedom and power this thirst quenching Joy! Surrender ALL! Surrender ALL! Surrender ALL!!!
My life for years had been powerless, yet I knew deep down inside that there should be more, more of something, more of anything! I had prayed and prayed about all sorts of different things thru the years but saw ZERO results. What was I doing wrong, or was I so wicked, that God didn’t even hear my prayers? Now I know that there are basic laws and rights that I should have been informed of as a baby Christian, but I was ignorant of these teachings and apparently so were my elders.
Gal. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ! (and entitled to all the rights of the Son)
Hey Greg, through facebook I found your site. I am glad that you have found yourself and God.
ReplyDeleteYou are fortunate and very blessed as you know.
I to feel blessed and talk to God directly in my prayers and ask for his guidance and try openly to listen and I believe and receive his guidance. I am so happy for you and your lovely family. Best continued wishes, Anne Kennedy- Chard