Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Weary Warrior

Do you Walk The Road of Struggles?

Dear fellow Traveler, I am not sure how far you are
on your journey, but I want to Encourage you, and
Cheer you on, and give you Hope to Preserver!
The reward for those who Don't Give Up, those who
Don't Lose Hope, is well worth the struggles we
must endure! The pain of the battle is not worthy
to be compared to the Joy of the Victory!

I was talking with a friend the other day and he
mentioned a dream of himself and several others
standing in a large foyer with two huge doors in
front of them. The door on the right was wide open
and you could feel the warmth of a beautiful sunny
day pouring in. You could hear birds singing and
chirping, it was almost as if, it was a perfectly
orchestrated symphony, each bird singing in turn,
the music, if you will, seemed to fill the air and
came from all around you. And this wonderful smell,
this intoxicating aroma, a perfect combination
flowers, spices, and sweet fruit just ready to be picked!

It was completely overwhelming, you could actually
taste the air, and Feel the music! It made you want
to run in, and bask in the experience!

There was a sign above the door that read…
The Road of Your Prayers and Dreams

As you looked in you could see a pleasant looking
street with all kinds of shops and restaurants, this
was truly an unusual place, because everything was
extremely beautiful and everything was Absolutely
FREE! Now let me clarify… EVERYTHING WAS FREE!
Not just the little mini snacks at the grocery store,
but everything!... The clothes in the Beautiful
Designer Shops, the Diamond and Gold Jewelry in
the Exclusive Jewelry Stores, the most Beautiful
cars at the Luxury Automobile Dealerships!

All with no strings attached, Absolutely free! Now
this was not so for everyone, but just for the travelers
who entered through the door to the road of your
Prayers & Dreams! You see there were other people
there, but they appeared to be their just to serve
the travelers, at least that’s how the travelers
treated them.

As you looked on past the little shops and beautiful
homes, (every one of them spectacular,
everyone more beautiful than the next, and as
you guessed it, you could choose anyone of them,
for Free of course!) a little way down the road you
could see this Absolutely wonderful field, full of
flowers and fruit trees, the trees were heavy with
fruit and the flowers were in full bloom. There was
a perfect little road that wound through the field
and continued on as far as the eye could see.
I thought to myself, what a nice place to take a
walk or a hike, but all the travelers were either
in their Convertible Luxury Automobiles or riding
in fancy customized golf carts? I guess they
were tired from all the shopping and eating!

The travelers continued on their journey, on and on,
always shopping, always eating, but never satisfied.
For days and months and years it seemed, partaking
of all the most expensive and beautiful fair that this
country had to offer. They were entertained by
wonderful singers and musical troupes, and went to
all the latest plays, dressed in their most stunning
suits and gowns.

As they drove on there were many little shops and
stands to get more food or jewelry or different
customized golf carts with softer seats or newer
cars, with the tops Up, so they wouldn’t get too
hot, or their hair wouldn’t get messed up! And
they always seemed to complain how the food
was cold or not cooked just right, or the hair
dresser didn’t do their hair just the way they liked
it, or the service was too slow or the servants
were irritating commoners!

The road was now wide and smooth and passed by the
most Incredible scenery, with spectacular mountain views
in some places, and gorgeous turquoise oceans with white
sandy beaches in others. But the travelers mostly kept
there windows up and rarely looked out or noticed how
beautiful everything was, as a matter of fact most of
them slept while they now had their drivers do all the
driving, always moving them along the way, on an on.

The travelers stopped often now, to eat or to get more
stuff! I saw that some got very expensive horses, and
required more servants to ride and take care of them.
And some got huge yachts and new outfits to wear, just
in case they ever decided to actually go out on the
yachts. And of course they all got tremendous new
mansions at every stop of the journey and more
servants to take care of the estates.

I looked closely at many of the travelers, and noticed
that the farther they went on their way, the sicklier
and weaker they looked. Also they never looked
happy like you would think, for someone so blessed
with such an abundance of wealth and freedom. One
more thing I noticed was that few of them ever
laughed anymore, at least not about funny things,
like big floppy eared puppies or squirrels playing tag
up and down trees in the beautiful meadows, only
at other people, like when someone would drop
something or stumble or if they saw one of the
servants being mistreated, or when one of the other
travelers, (the ones they didn’t like) would get sick.
(and most of them didn’t seem to like anyone)

At this point I couldn’t see any further into the door
but, I think I had seen enough! It’s hard to explain
how something so beautiful could be so unattractive?

Then I looked and saw the other door on the left was
Opened… I had almost forgotten that it was there, I
was so intoxicated by what I saw through the door of
your dreams, until I saw the end result, and my senses
returned to me!

You could see a dark foreboding sky through this door,
there Were Peals of Deafening Thunder and Blinding
Lighting flashing all around, so intense that the whole
world seamed to shake! Through the door, a cold stale
wind blew, and on that wind there was a stench that
would almost make you gag, and without ever smelling
it before, you knew what it was, it was the smell of
Death, the stench of rotting flesh! Of man or beast I
don’t know, but I have a good guess.

There was a rugged sign above this door that read…
The Road of Struggles, Pain and Sorrow

There was rain pouring down and a freezing wind
screaming all around, like the sound of a thousand
dyeing ravens. As I peered into the darkness you
could just make out a jagged pathway, barely
distinguishable from the impassible terrain laid out
before them, them being the travelers who actually
chose to enter this door… this Nightmare!
(and by the way, there were no servants here!)

Just to look upon the trail was terrifying! As a side
note, I saw nothing stopping them from turning back,
as a matter of fact, none of them ever even looked
back, their eyes were fixed on some unseen reward,
some object of desire, drawing them on, something
greater than any obstacle in their path, greater than
any pain they would surly experience, or were
already experiencing!

The path seamed to wind up the side of a incredibly
treacherous Mountain. The rocks, if you could call
them that were more like Huge shards of glass, split
with razors sharp edges! It seemed As you looked
more intently you could see the whole path, hundreds
of miles long if not thousands. Along the sides of
the path and all the way up the mountain, you saw
very clearly, the eyes of all sorts of terrifying
creatures, poised to lunge at anything getting even
close to them… some Gigantic and some as small
and deadly as a scorpion, just staring and stalking,
waiting for their next victim!

The little walkway, in most places was on the very
edge of the Mountain, and was barely wide enough
to fit a mouse, much less an average man or woman.
Though I would hardly call anyone average that
would choose to walk this path!

And something I thought strange was, you could just
make out, what seemed to be a slight smile on the
faces of the travelers along the way! Some of these,
in the very act of intense combat with these vicious
creatures that would leap out from the crevices, as
the travelers would try to pass buy. But still they
pressed on as they continued to fight, always
pressing on! (and almost always smiling?) Further up
and further in, I would hear some of them shout,
further up and further in! What sort of incredible
prize would drive them on like this, so determined,
so steadfast!

On the few areas of the path that widened a little,
there was what looked like some sort of bog or
quicksand, either way it offered little no relief to
the travelers, or more correctly to the Hero’s,
(as I now found myself thinking of them) for they
were far less agile in that mire, and could barely
withstand the onslaught, from just one of these
hideous creatures, much less, sometimes as many
as 4 or 5 at a time, as it were! These despicable
Hordes seemed to gather together in these areas
where there potential victims were at an even greater
disadvantage, and could hardly withstand them as
they pushed on, and these fights, through the Boggs
would often rage on for hours and hours!

Occasionally, another traveler would enter the same
Bog and give some equilibrium to the battle, it was
so joyous to see the smiles on the faces of the
warriors as they realized they were now, not alone!
And a new energy seemed to fill the Weary
Travelers Soul, and they would fight on with a new
Vigor, a new re-doubled strength!

One thing that was quite curious, was that sometimes
after these horrific battles, where another traveler
would join the fight, (and usually just in time) as
soon as the battle was won, the second warrior could
no longer be found? I attributed it to my impaired
vision, but that has always puzzled me! Also the
remaining traveler seemed to be a little surprised,
but they would look around, smile, raise there
sword to the sky as a solute, and cry out Further
up and Further in!

It was quite obvious that these tormentors were
evidently cowards, and knew they were less likely
to fall off the cliffs when in battle on the boggs, not
too mention they could not fight as a pack on the
cliff’s, that is my closest guess anyhow!

What was even more disheartening was that the
path never seemed to level out, much less slope
down, only up and up and up, it never seemed to
give any respite, never offered any shelter from
the storm! And oh the storms they continued
with increasing intensity by the minute, not only
the driving rain and buffeting winds but the buckets
of water, the bitter cold water that poured down
the slopes of that wicked mountain! How they could
keep their footing at all was amazing! Sword
always drawn shield always poised to repel an
attack! They pushed on night after night… for it
never quite became day, only a little less dark.
The morning never coming they went on year after
year, battle after battle…

As I looked on I could not contain myself, the tears
poured down my face like the buckets of water that
poured down the mountainside, I sobbed desperately,
deep heaving sobs, not of fear for the warriors but,
some sort of pride in them or a Joy for them, for
each battle won! And the attacks continued on and
on! I could offer no help, I could only cry and Pray
for the Weary travelers, the Weary Hero’s… my Hero’s!

One more thing that was very amazing and puzzling
at the same time, was the faces of the Hero’s, as
they advanced further and further on their journey,
as the months and years wore on, they radiated a
sort of glow or an energy of some sort, that grew
stronger with each battle! They looked Regal and
Wise, and certainly Stronger and even more…
Beautiful, if you don’t mind calling a man beautiful,
the women, yes, of course, (and I did see many
women Hero’s on the path) but the word attractive
falls terribly short! Yes they were Beautiful, all very
very Beautiful!

You would think they would all look weary and
diminished, worn and haggard and bloody, but it
was just the opposite, the further they traveled, the
more battered and mangled the traveler, the More
Glorious they Grew! I wanted to know them, oh if I
could speak to one them, to hear their story,
to learn what drove them? I wanted to…

I wanted to enter the door and join the Travelers!
I wanted to follow the Weary Warriors!
I wanted to take the path of struggle!

I want to Become what only the path of Struggle can make me!

To You Weary Traveler, Weary Hero!
May God Bless You, and Keep You, as You Walk the Path!

Gregory James LaRev


I feel I need to clarify my intention of this story,
this is Not a indictment against being wealthy, this
is a comment on the powerful effect that struggles
works in the life of a individuals character! Also I
believe I am accurate in my description of the end
result of a individual who has never had to work
for anything. I believe riches are never truly enjoyed
unless they are earned!

Friend true wealth is earned by effort, honor and
persistence, go and win your battle, the prize is
worth all the pain!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Gave Him My Sin's

What did Jesus give?

He gave His robes to the Jailers, before they paraded Him naked through the streets

He gave His dignity to humbleness, as they laid Him naked over the whipping post

He gave His back to the whip, to purchase our healing, for by His Stripes we are healed

He gave His Royal Diadem for a Crown of Thorns, and no King has ever had a more beautiful crown

He gave His palms to the jagged Nails, so the prophecy would be fulfilled, See I have Engraved you on the palms of My hands

He gave His Beautiful feet to a cruel spike, while the Harlot’s tears and Mary’s fragrance, were still evident… they have Pierced My hands and My feet

He gave His side to the hilt of a spear, so that Thomas and I would have a place to put our hands,… Thomas & Greg, cast forth thy hands and put them into My side

He gave His Body to redeem mine, because without Him I had no Hope, for All have Sinned and Fallen short of the Glory of God

He gave His Blood to wash away my sin's, so I to could stand in the presence of the Father, for without the Shedding of Blood, there is no Forgiveness of Sin!

He gave His goodness in substitute for my wickedness, because as for goodness I had none… this is God’s Love towards us, that while we were yet Sinners, Christ Died for us!

Then He gave me His Spirit, so as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I needn't fear, for His right hand shall guide me, hold me fast, and lead me home. Too our real Home!

All I have to give Him,… IS MY SIN'S, … AND MY LOVE!

Thank you Lord

P.S. To those of you who don't know Him, God is NOT your enemy! He is your biggest fan, standing at the finish line with His arms open wide cheering you on and calling you home!

To Your True Freedom!
Gregory James LaRev

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Funny Stuff... Kid Videoz

I was just out with the Kid's and shot some video of their Radical Talents Feel free to pass this around, the kidz would love to see a bunch of hits on them!

Crazy Eye Girl Goes CRAZY
Watch this tragic clip of one of the Normally Sweet and Kind Crazyeye Chiclets, going crazy and Assaulting her Wonderful, Kind, Loving and extremely Good Looking Father for no apparent reason, Charges Pending


Crazy Eye Girlz;

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life During Our Dot!

I heard an analogy a while back, and the more I thought about it, the more profound it became to me…!

If we use a Dot ( . ) to represent our life here on Earth, (anywhere from 1 second to 80/90 years); And a Line, thousands of miles long, ie. _________________________>>> to represent just one second of Eternity!

How should we live? For the Dot, or the Line?!!!!?????????!

What can be accomplished in a lifetime, or for this analogy,… in a dot! .

I wanted to look at what can be done during a dot, before I looked at what a line might hold in store for us!

Now granted, some dot’s are smaller than others, (i.e. their life is much shorter) but they can still effect many lives and emotions, and some relatively small dot’s (my Lord) have even been known to Shake the Entire World and change all of history, time and Eternity!


Some Dot’s last only a few seconds, yet are mourned desperately!, and effect the lives of the larger dot’s who bore them for all time!

While others, that last only a few seconds, and are never even considered, but discarded as refuse! An inconvenience!

Still the Angles of Heaven Rejoice over both as they are ceremoniously usher into the presence of the Lamb of God!… (another dot of shorter duration) to begin their "Eternal line"!

The point is, dots come in all sizes, large and small, yet Much can be done during a Dot!

During our Dot, we may live a hundred years, and travel a million miles. We may sail the seven seas and climb the mighty Matahorn!

During our Dot, we may see the Seven Wonders of the world, swim the English channel, spend our Summers in the Alps, and see Paris in the Spring!

During our Dot, we may be blessed with a dozen Children, and know the joy of bouncing our Children’s Children on our knees!

During our Dot, we may experience Love and Passion so Deep and Consuming that we sometimes forget to breath, and our Heart feels it will Burst from our chest! … For sometimes the Father shows us a Glimpse of the line He has for us!!!

And hopefully, During our Dot, we will Sing and Dance away, at least a few Decades!, before we stumble and struggle and Cry away the same!

But most assuredly, During our Dot, we will experience Pain and Sorrow,... sometimes so Horrendous and Devastating that we seam to hemorrhage down to the very core of our being, down to the very depths of our Soul!

And it's at those times, we Wish our Dot were Smaller…

But the Lamb, who experienced all of this too, (And More), knows our pain and sorrow for "He is a Man of Sorrow", so… He cries with us… for the day of Our Line has not yet come

During our Dot, we may read Ten Thousand novels, on every subject ever Wondered, and grow in Age and Wisdom to rival that of Solomon himself!!

We may Dream a Million Dreams and write a Thousand Symphonies that would make the very Angles of Heaven Sing!!!

During our Dot, we may Discover Gold or Diamonds or Buried Treasure!!!….OR… A Lover….. Worth so Much More!!!

During our Dot, we may Fly a Hundred times around the World, and gain the Wealth to own it All!… "But what profits a Man if he gain the Whole World"?…

If you think about it, (in the proper perspective) it too is Just a Dot (the world that is) Floating around in God’s Glorious Heavens!!! Just one of a Hundred Billion Dot’s…

Jesus,… who Created our Dot, as well as the Universe in just 6 days, Said…
“I go to Prepare a Place for You!” He has been working on it for over 2000 years!

If we can do all of this During this little Dot of a life…this Blink of an Eye!

JUST THINK of What we CAN DO and SEE and FEEL and TASTE and HEAR and EXPERIENCE!…. During just one Spec of the Line He has Planed for Us!!!

"For Eye hath not seen, nor has it entered into the mind of man, what God hath Prepared for US"...!

SO >>>> How Will You Live During Your Dot?, for yourself and the cares of this dot!

OR >>>> For The Line And The ONE Who Created It, and You!?

I Choose to Live My Dot for HIM!, So I Can Live My Line With HIM!!!!!!!

Sincerely God Blessed &
Looking Forward to the Line!
Gregory James LaRev

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Love Affair with H.B.

Hi Folks,
Gregory James here, as an introduction I am one of those long time Masochists that has been in network-marketing (home business, ie HB) for over twenty years, (on and off) but I have to tell you I Love it! I love the whole concept, I love the people, I love the hours, and I love the possibilities!!!
No other business offers the Freedom the Hope and the Opportunity to achieve this kind of life style! But even more importantly I love to see the LIFE Come Back into the EYES of someone that has been on the Hamster Wheel of a day to day existence for so long that they have lost any Hope of Ever Getting FREE!!!
Now don’t get me wrong, mlm or internet marketing is still a business but it has perks that are available in no other career! Sense I first saw the circles drawn on a napkin in a Waffle House I knew this is what I wanted to do when I grew up!!! (or should I say when I never grow up!)
My back ground and dream was to be in commercial aviation, but I quickly learned that 5:00 am on a cold airport ramp is still 5:00 am!!! and COLD!!!, no matter if you’re a pilot or a baggage guy!
It was only Romantic before I had to do it for a living, (or to someone outside looking in) I do still Fly but not for a living, just for the love and beauty of it! There is nothing more magical than being up above a huge cloud layer on a Full Moon Night! The moon shining so bright you can hardly look at it… and then the clouds beneath you Silver and Deep Blue like a bubbling ocean.
I digress!
Another important aspect to this business is the People! What a Fantastic Community of compadres!, positive, encouraging, filled with Dreams and plans, people that are not afraid to take a chance! Just to be crazy enough to be in this business you have to be willing to risk everything, you have to be willing to Go Against the Grain and ignore all the naysayers!!
It’s like we are Missionaries going out to find the lost sheep that still have a flicker of life in their Entrepreneurial Spirit, just a little flame that has not been snuffed out by this negative world!
There is almost nothing More Gooder than seeing the light go on for someone, and their eyes light up, and the very life come back into their spirit!!! It’s almost as good as sharing the Gospel with someone and seeing them set Free and given a new life, Born Again right there before your eyes!
In both cases they will need help at first, coaching and encouragement but it is worth it to see them Thriving not just surviving!!
I would love to hear from ya if I can help in any way, feel free to contact me through my web site; TheFreedomKey.Com
To Your True Freedom,
Gregory James LaRev