I heard an analogy a while back, and the more I thought about it, the more profound it became to me…!
If we use a Dot ( . ) to represent our life here on Earth, (anywhere from 1 second to 80/90 years); And a Line, thousands of miles long, ie. _________________________>>> to represent just one second of Eternity!
How should we live? For the Dot, or the Line?!!!!?????????!
What can be accomplished in a lifetime, or for this analogy,… in a dot! .
I wanted to look at what can be done during a dot, before I looked at what a line might hold in store for us!
Now granted, some dot’s are smaller than others, (i.e. their life is much shorter) but they can still effect many lives and emotions, and some relatively small dot’s (my Lord) have even been known to Shake the Entire World and change all of history, time and Eternity!
Some Dot’s last only a few seconds, yet are mourned desperately!, and effect the lives of the larger dot’s who bore them for all time!
While others, that last only a few seconds, and are never even considered, but discarded as refuse! An inconvenience!
Still the Angles of Heaven Rejoice over both as they are ceremoniously usher into the presence of the Lamb of God!… (another dot of shorter duration) to begin their "Eternal line"!
The point is, dots come in all sizes, large and small, yet Much can be done during a Dot!
During our Dot, we may live a hundred years, and travel a million miles. We may sail the seven seas and climb the mighty Matahorn!
During our Dot, we may see the Seven Wonders of the world, swim the English channel, spend our Summers in the Alps, and see Paris in the Spring!
During our Dot, we may be blessed with a dozen Children, and know the joy of bouncing our Children’s Children on our knees!
During our Dot, we may experience Love and Passion so Deep and Consuming that we sometimes forget to breath, and our Heart feels it will Burst from our chest! … For sometimes the Father shows us a Glimpse of the line He has for us!!!
And hopefully, During our Dot, we will Sing and Dance away, at least a few Decades!, before we stumble and struggle and Cry away the same!
But most assuredly, During our Dot, we will experience Pain and Sorrow,... sometimes so Horrendous and Devastating that we seam to hemorrhage down to the very core of our being, down to the very depths of our Soul!
And it's at those times, we Wish our Dot were Smaller…
But the Lamb, who experienced all of this too, (And More), knows our pain and sorrow for "He is a Man of Sorrow", so… He cries with us… for the day of Our Line has not yet come…
During our Dot, we may read Ten Thousand novels, on every subject ever Wondered, and grow in Age and Wisdom to rival that of Solomon himself!!
We may Dream a Million Dreams and write a Thousand Symphonies that would make the very Angles of Heaven Sing!!!
During our Dot, we may Discover Gold or Diamonds or Buried Treasure!!!….OR… A Lover….. Worth so Much More!!!
During our Dot, we may Fly a Hundred times around the World, and gain the Wealth to own it All!… "But what profits a Man if he gain the Whole World"?…
If you think about it, (in the proper perspective) it too is Just a Dot (the world that is) Floating around in God’s Glorious Heavens!!! Just one of a Hundred Billion Dot’s…
Jesus,… who Created our Dot, as well as the Universe in just 6 days, Said…
“I go to Prepare a Place for You!” He has been working on it for over 2000 years!
If we can do all of this During this little Dot of a life…this Blink of an Eye!
JUST THINK of What we CAN DO and SEE and FEEL and TASTE and HEAR and EXPERIENCE!…. During just one Spec of the Line He has Planed for Us!!!
"For Eye hath not seen, nor has it entered into the mind of man, what God hath Prepared for US"...!
SO >>>> How Will You Live During Your Dot?, for yourself and the cares of this dot!
OR >>>> For The Line And The ONE Who Created It, and You!?
I Choose to Live My Dot for HIM!, So I Can Live My Line With HIM!!!!!!!
Sincerely God Blessed &
Looking Forward to the Line!
Gregory James LaRev
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